Top Class Actions  |  March 27, 2020

Category: Beauty Products

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Woman looking at hair loss in comb regarding Deva Concepts class action lawsuit accusing the companies DevaCurl products of causing hair loss and damage

Deva Concepts LLC is facing a class action lawsuit alleging its DevaCurl products cause hair loss.

According to the DevaCurl class action lawsuit, the company gained attention from consumers when it developed a formula in 2002 for a product called DevaCurl No-Poo Original.

The DevaCurl website said that “No-Poo” means that the product does not lather because, unlike most other shampoos on the market, it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

“Years ago stylists discovered that sodium lauryl sulfate was super-harsh and that bubbles did not = clean,” the website’s FAQ page states.

“DevaCurl created a botanically-infused cleaner with a specific pH level that could cleanse the scalp without stripping follicles. The result was the world’s first conditioning cleanser or ‘No-Poo Original,” according to the DevaCurl FAQ.

The DevaCurl products named in the hair loss class action lawsuit include:

  • DevaCurl No-Poo Original non-lathering conditioning cleanser
  • DevaCurl One Condition Original hair conditioner
  • DevaCurl Light Defining Gel
  • DevaCurl Low-Poo Original cleanser
  • DevaCurl Low-Poo Delight cleanser
  • DevaCurl No-Poo Decadence cleanser
  • DevaCurl One Condition Delight hair conditioner
  • DevaCurl One Condition Decadence hair conditioner
  • Melt into Moisture Mask
  • Styling Cream
  • DevaCurl Leave-In Decadence conditioner
  • Super Stretch Coconut Curl Elongator
  • Wavemaker
  • DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel

According to the DevaCurl class action lawsuit, consumers pay a premium for DevaCurl products based on representations by DevaConcepts that the products are less harsh than other products available on the market.

“However, despite Deva Concepts’ promises, which have caused many curly haired consumers across Canada to purchase and use the DevaCurl Products, use of the Products cause scalp irritation, excessive shedding, hair loss, thinning, breakage and/or balding during normal use by consumers,” the DevaCurl class action lawsuit says.

To make matters worse, the DevaCurl class action lawsuit says Deva Concepts misleads consumers into believing that the shedding and hair loss caused by the products is normal and blames any excessive hair loss on factors unrelated to the use of DevaCurl products, such as stress, dandruff, weight loss, giving birth, scalp buildup and certain illnesses.

Woman looking at hair loss regarding the class action lawsuit filed against Deva Concepts claiming its DevaCurl products cause hair loss and irritationPlaintiff Sara Himmiche of Montreal says she experienced scalp irritation and hair loss after she purchased and used DevaCurl products. She claims the defendant made false and misleading representations about DevaCurl products and failed to disclose their defective nature.

In the DevaCurl hair loss class action lawsuit, Sara claims damages for increased risk of hair loss and scalp irritation, anxiety and mental distress, unjust enrichment and restitution, and punitive damages. She also seeks a refund of the amount she paid to purchase the products.

Sara says she is not alone. According to the DevaCurl class action lawsuit, thousands of consumers have reported they experienced hair loss during use of or shortly after using DevaCurl products.

Angry customers have taken to social media to complain about DevaCurl hair loss, the Deva Concepts class action lawsuit says. One Facebook group that raises concern about DevaCurl scalp irritation and hair loss reportedly has nearly 50,000 members. On Instagram, a search for #RecallDevaCurl reveals hundreds of posts from consumers urging Deva Concepts to recall the product claims the complaint. 

According to the DevaCurl hair loss class action lawsuit, Deva Concepts has taken notice of these complaints and posted an update on its website on Feb. 11 to reassure customers that its products have been subjected to “rigorous testing that has confirmed they are safe and adhere to both quality assurance and regulatory standards.”

Deva Concepts has not issued a recall of the products and has not warned consumers about the risks of hair loss or other risks associated with the DevaCurl products, Sara says. The company has actually denied that its products cause any health issues, the DevaCurl hair loss class action lawsuit says.

Sara says Deva Concepts breached its duty to manufacture and distribute products that were safe for consumers to use. She says the company failed to implement adequate quality control measures to ensure the products were free of defects.

Class Members of the proposed Deva Concepts hair loss lawsuit include anyone in Quebec who purchased or used one or more Deva Concepts or DevaCurl products for sale in Canada. Sara says that she, along with members of the proposed Class, have experienced prolonged anxiety and mental distress from the DevaCurl scalp irritation and hair loss.

Have you ever used Deva Concepts hair products? Did you experience any unusual hair loss or irritation? Tell us your story in the comment section below!

Sara is represented by Theodore P. Charney of Charney Lawyers PC and Michael Simkin of Simkin Legal.

The DevaCurl Hair Loss Class Action Lawsuit is Sara Himmiche v. Deva Concepts LLC, Case No. 500-06-001044-201, in the Superior Court of Québec, Canada.

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243 thoughts onDevaCurl Class Action Says Products Cause Hair Loss

  1. CF says:

    Bought a bunch of these products back in 2017, used through 2018 and then stopped late that year. A few months later I started noticing that my hair has been frizzy and started to straighten out, handfuls of hair would fall out everyday, itchiness, dandruff for the first time in my life and patches of hairloss and hair thinning. I used the no poo line, the one condition decadence and buildup buster. I don’t live in the US or Canada, but I believe that all consumers, regardless of location, must be compensated. The products are pricey enough, and buying them and having them shipped here via friends and family is a whole other deal. I’m 20 and technically balding. People say that my mother looks younger than me because of my hair. This company should not get away with this.

  2. Taylor Davis says:

    I am 23 years old and I started using DevaCurl products January 2017. I was so excited to finally use DevaCurl and I religiously used the Light Defining Gel, Supercream, and Ultra Creamy Daily Conditioner. I gradually lost my curl pattern and I noticed significant hair loss after almost 1 year of using Deva Curl. I assumed it was due to something else so I just ignored the signs. Then, I went to my primary care physician August 2018 and they ran blood tests to make sure I didn’t have a vitamin deficiency and to see if they could find the cause. My labs were normal so I was referred to a dermatologist and I was told that it would go away in 6 months even though they didn’t know the cause. My hair has not grown back at all, it has continued to get worse and I barely stopped using the products after 3 years. I thought it would be a product that would help my hair, I never thought it could be detrimental. I’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve been losing hair, losing my curl pattern, and why my hair has been so dry for the past couple years and I just never thought to look deeper into my hair products being the cause, especially since everyone recommends Deva Curl. I didn’t think to do a side by side comparison with how my hair looked 3 years ago until recently and I’m honestly devastated with how my hair looks now. I don’t even like to wear my curls down anymore, too much damage has been done.

  3. HB says:

    I originally started using DevaCurl after I was booked, as a model, to do one of their hair campaign videos. At that time I had extremely long, thick, curly hair. Imagine my excitement when I thought that I finally found a hair product that did everything for my hair that I have been searching for! And I got paid to try out all the products (double score)! Fast forward 3 years of being a religious devacurl user…my hair slowly started to look more dull and less healthy. I was also losing HANDFULLS of hair each time I washed it, there was so much hair loss that I was surprised I still had hair on my head. My curls were slowly losing their volume and my hair texture completely changed. Now, around this time I had also completely come off of a contraceptive pill that I was taking for 14+ years so naturally I thought it was a hormonal shift. In a panic that my hair was going to be destroyed forever, I sought multiple medical professionals to have them evaluate what was going wrong. I took 16 blood tests…that’s 16 vials of blood…16! Still nothing appeared to be hormonally wrong with me. I felt hopeless. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a homeopathic doctor who asked one simple question “what products do you use on your hair?”…of course my answer was DevaCurl. A few days later I was invited back to the same doctor’s office where he sat me down and explained to me the ingredients in DevaCurl were the main culprit for the war my hair was fighting. He handed me multiple papers of his own personal research as to why certain ingredients were causing the horrible effects I was experiencing. Ever since that day I completely ditched DevaCurl. It has now almost been 2 years and my hair has begun to go back to normal. No more hair loss! No more dullness! Do I think my hair will ever be back to 100% normalcy? I hope so, but it’s been a process.

  4. Amber Sanders says:

    Definitely would like to know how to be added to the class action suit regarding Devacurl. I experienced excessive hair loss and remember wearing head wraps for a long time due to the hair loss which I know is directly connected with using the Devacurl hair products. I also urge them to pull the products so other ladies do not experience this. It was truly devastating! -Amber S.

    1. HB says:

      If you received any information on this, I would also love to know how to be added. My story is posted in the comments if you’re interested. Hoping your hair returns to it’s healthy self!

  5. Sara Elsiddig says:

    Wow. I have been using these products almost solely for 4 years. Despite the things I was experiencing, I continued to believe that a product aimed at flourishing curly hair could never do those things. I used the nopoo cleanser, conditioner, melt into moisture mask, styling cream, defining gel gel, and several others. I wanted to believe in these products so much despite what results I was seeing. My hair use to be thick and shiny. My curls used to hold moisture for days. My curl pattern was defined. I soon started noticing with these products an alarming amount of hair coming out on wash days. I notice my hair became super dry and brittle. It wouldn’t hold a curl for more than a few hours. My scalp was constantly itchy and irritated and I had never seen my hair so thin. To the point where I had to see a dermatologist for my scalp issues because I was afraid of losing all my hair. At the rate it was coming out, that surely would’ve been the result. I stopped using all Devacurl products earlier this year, shortly before I heard all of the stories similar to my experiences. It’s sad that I and many others spent hundreds/thousands of dollars over the years in this company!

  6. Elizabeth B says:

    I have been using DevaCurl since 2013. My first deva cut was amazing and my curls were bouncy, springy, and shiny. I did have some dandruff when I was younger, but that went away. About a year or so ago, my scalp started to feel itchy shortly after wash days. I was thinking “oh great, my dandruff is coming back.” Well, I did some digging, and now, the more digging I’ve done, I am so unbelievably ticked off. I also noticed a fairly obvious bald spot on my crown. I AM 22 I SHOULD NOT BE GOING BALD?!?! I will be following this lawsuit through to the end. I spent so much money on all of these products, it’s a shame it had to end this way. I wish I would’ve listened and believed sooner to the claims that were out there—now all I can hope for is my hair to grow back and for my scalp to stop being so dang itchy.

  7. Vittoria Pietrantonio says:

    I would like to be involved in this class action lawsuit and receive compensation as I have been using DevaCurl products very frequently for over 4 years and have been experiencing adverse effects from their products.

    Products that I used are: “No Poo” & “Low Poo” shampoo, “One Condition Decadence” conditioner, and “Ultra-Defining” curl gel.

    When I first used these products, the results were amazing; my hair was super soft, moisturized and my tight 3C curls were very defined. The products yielded great results for about 2 years.

    I progressively started to notice my curl pattern become less coiled, as I went from a tight 3C curl pattern to a loose 2B wavy pattern and my hair became extremely dry and frizzy despite using a high-quality satin pillow case and consistently wrapping my hair in a silk scarf overnight. I thought maybe it could be the weather as I never suspected it could be the DevaCurl products.

    I continued to use their products expecting positive results, with the addition of adding a weekly deep conditioning to my hair routine and sealed my hair with deep penetrating oils regularly; the results unfortunately were mediocre.

    Recently, over the past 1.5 years, I have noticed my hair has become so incredibly dry and brittle. It has absolutely no life to it and the colour is very dull overall. I also have dandruff which I’ve never ever had/experienced before. The dandruff is concentrated mainly in the front/forehead area of my head. I have also been losing handfuls of hair daily and every time I wash it despite keeping my hair in protective styles and constantly moisturizing it. I used to have so much hair; it was very thick and required so much product to yield optimal results. Now, the hair loss is very apparent, especially at the front of my head and also at the crown. I also have chronic headaches and experience scalp soreness and pain on a constant basis. My scalp is so unbelievably itchy and irritated all the time; some areas are so inflamed and raw that I can’t even touch them or put moisturizing products/oils on them. Cool/cold water seems to be the only thing that temporarily relieves my scalp at this time.

    About 7 months ago, I stopped following many YouTubers who focus their channels around hair health because I felt like despite all my efforts, my hair was just in really bad shape and I was getting emotionally discouraged and felt like I could never have beautiful hair like them; it has really affected my mental health. I have been suffering in silence as I am a woman of colour and already feel stigmatized for trying to be natural and embrace my curls. During that time, I also stopped using DevaCurl products because I felt that my hair just wasn’t responding well to it anymore. Little did I know there was a massive scandal surrounding the products.

    About a week ago, since we are now in a quarantine/lock down because of COVID-19 and I have all this time on my hands, I started to re-follow my old YouTube/healthy hair promoters and DevaCurl ambassadors that I stopped following in the past and that’s when I came across all the shocking news and current law suits against DevaCurl.

    I was stunned and in disbelief that I was not the only one suffering in silence and experiencing all these awful adverse reactions from using DevaCurl products.

    I have told everyone I know to stop/avoid using their products as obviously something is extremely wrong with their products. This has also been the message of many popular ex-Deva Curl ambassadors.

    I’m so thankful that I now have an answer to what has been going on and feel validated that I am not the only one who has been going through the same emotional turmoil and hair catastrophes because of DevaCurl’s products.

    I will be following this class action lawsuit until the very end and expect compensation, although at this point nothing could fix my low self-esteem that I now have from using and trusting DevaCurl products. I am traumatized and will forever feel like people are judging the condition of my hair.

    -Vittoria P

  8. Deabra Chann says:

    My friend recommended Devacurls. I used it once with no results and figured I use it until the bottle was done since it was so pricy.. my hair starting falling out gradually until it became almost hand full. My fiancé asked if I was losing hair because the washroom was always covered with strands everywhere. I stopped Using the product for a few months, went to Dominican for vacation in January 2020 and grabbed the Devacurl shampoo and conditioner because it was compact enough and thought I’d give it another chance. Bad mistake, my hair started falling out again and it’s hasn’t stopped.
    My hair stresses me out daily that I want to go short so it blends better.

  9. Reva Malinsky says:

    I have been using all of Deva products for the past 2 years. Recently I found that I was losing hair after every way and now I have thinning hair on the front and crown of my head.

  10. Jessica Gonzalez says:

    I’ve been using DevaCurl products for over 3 years. But it wasn’t until 2018 that my curls became extremely damaged, knotted, and I experienced an abnormal amount of hair fall. In the shower, I would lose hair in clumps. At least 200 strands a day. I have lost so much hair that my scalp is visible from all angles. With my hair down, the upper part of my skull looks similar to male pattern baldness. I believe I have lost about 30% of my hair in the past two years. It isn’t until now that I am starting to minimal recovery but I am afraid that my hair will never recover from the damage that has already been done.

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